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John Kasperek Co., Inc. assists Calumet City Resources during CPA Day of Service


Pictured: John Kasperek, Co. Inc. team members on site at Calumet City Resources during CPA Day of Service. 

CALUMET CITY, IL – John Kasperek Co., Inc., a Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firm in Calumet City, Illinois, partnered with Calumet City Resources (CCR) during the Illinois CPA Society’s (ILCPAS) annual CPA Day of Service on September 8, 2017.

The ILCPAS coins the “good day for a good deed” as a flexible opportunity for Illinois CPAs and CPA firms to help their communities by participating in a volunteer activity. John Kasperek Co. staff spent their work morning cleaning and organizing CCR’s food pantry in preparation for next week’s food delivery. CCR provides emergency food and clothing for Calumet City residents in need.

“CCR has provided significant assistance to those who need it the most, and with limited resources,” said company president John Kasperek, Jr. “I commend their organization and volunteers for their commitment to helping others in our community.”

CCR is a community organization of volunteers dedicated to the purpose of “people helping people since 1985,” says CCR co-director Marlene Hill. “We are so grateful to businesses and organizations like John Kasperek Company for giving back to the community in which they work.” Ms. Hill estimates that CCR provides goods to over 10,000 people each year thanks to their volunteer network.

For more information about volunteering or seeking services from CCR, call (708) 891-9330.

John Kasperek Co., Inc. was founded in 1989 to serve the diverse financial needs of the Chicago Southland and Northwest Indiana region. Led by company president John Kasperek, Jr., the firm is dedicated to providing a wide range of accounting and auditing services to local units of government, not-for-profit organizations, corporations and individuals. For more information, visit or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



 CM at CCR

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Alison Dolbeer receives John Kasperek Co., Inc. Scholarship Award

Allison Dolbeer

Pictured: South Suburban College student Alison Dolbeer (left), of Midlothian, accepts the John Kasperek Co., Inc. Scholarship award from Dr. Lynette Stokes, Vice President of Academic Services, at the college’s 2017 Academic Achievement Reception.

Calumet City, IL –John Kasperek Co., Inc. is pleased to announce Alison Dolbeer as the firm’s 2017 scholarship recipient. Dolbeer, a Midlothian resident, is an Accounting major at South Suburban College. She will utilize the $1,000 John Kasperek Co., Inc. Scholarship during Academic Year 2017-18.

“It’s an honour and a privilege to be able to help someone who has worked so hard to continue her education,” said John Kasperek, Jr., company president. “Alison has always put family first and now it is her time to shine. We look forward to staying in touch with her and seeing her progress in our industry in the future.”

John Kasperek Co., Inc. was founded in 1989 to serve the diverse financial needs of the Chicago Southland and Northwest Indiana region. Led by company president John Kasperek, Jr., the firm is dedicated to providing a wide range of accounting and auditing services to local units of government, not-for-profit organizations, corporations and individuals. Kasperek also serves as the treasurer for the SSC Foundation Board of Directors.

“Trying to put my son through college and still keep up with my own classes is a financial struggle,” said Dolbeer.  “But by being awarded the John Kasperek Company scholarship, I am able to continue my education thanks to your generosity. I would not be continuing my education right now without this help.”

For more information, visit or


John Kasperek Co., Inc. Joins Quality Center for Governmental Audits

AICPA Web GAQC Member right 1c

CALUMET CITY, IL – John Kasperek Co., Inc. has joined the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA) Governmental Audit Quality Center for CPA firms. The Center is a national community of CPA firms that demonstrate a commitment to governmental audit quality and raise awareness about the importance of governmental audits. The Center provides members with best practices, guidelines, and tools CPAs need to perform quality governmental audits and better serve their clients. 

“Joining the AICPA’s Governmental Audit Quality Center is a reaffirmation of our firm’s commitment to performing the highest quality audits possible. As a member of the GAQC, we voluntarily subscribe to the Center’s significant membership requirements. This includes strict oversight which we already adhere to, such as designating a partner to be responsible for our governmental audit practice, establishing quality control programs, performing annual internal inspection procedures, and making our firm’s peer review report publicly available.” said John Kasperek, Jr., president.

 With over 30 years of experience in performing governmental and not-for-profit (NFP) audits, John Kasperek Co., Inc., has a dedicated team of auditors that possess the specialized knowledge and experience to help ensure compliance with the appropriate standards and changes in regulations that may impact an organization’s audit. The firm delivers governmental and NFP audit services for federal, state, or local governments; NPOs; and certain for-profit organizations that receive federal assistance.

Kasperek added, “Our team stays current in this highly technical practice area by following the continuing professional education requirements of Government Auditing Standards and attending significant continuing education programming. The Center membership is another step in this ongoing process, and will further provide timely information on a variety of technical, legislative and regulatory subjects along with additional resources for our staff and our clients.”

The Center has a dedicated website accessible from the AICPA homepage and available online at  

About John Kasperek Co., Inc.

John Kasperek Co., Inc. was founded in 1989 to serve the diverse financial needs of the Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana region. Led by company president John Kasperek, Jr., the firm is dedicated to providing a wide range of expert auditing and consulting services to local units of government, not-for-profit organizations, businesses and corporations, and individuals.


John Kasperek Co., Inc. Joins SHBA Board of Directors

rush smallCalumet City, IL – Pat Rush, of Tinley Park, was recently elected to join the South Holland Business Association (SHBA) Board of Directors. Rush, 39, serves as the Director of Marketing & Recruitment at John Kasperek Co., Inc.

“I look forward to supporting SHBA and the business community in this new leadership role while further connecting with our clients and local partners,” said Rush.

In addition to leading the Human Resources, marketing and recruitment functions of John Kasperek Co., Inc., Rush brings more than 16 years of marketing and communications experience in government, education, and healthcare. Rush earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Purdue University and a Master’s Degree from Governors State University. Additionally, he currently serves as the Executive Director of the South Suburban College Foundation Board.

SHBA was founded in 1979 to provide the business community with a collective voice within the Village of South Holland. The association established goals for business that would achieve the objective of making South Holland the finest community in which to live work, do business and shop. Over the years SHBA has provided businesses with ideas, methods and means by which to grow, prosper and provide the products and services needed.

John Kasperek Co., Inc. was founded in 1989 to serve the diverse financial needs of the Chicago Southland and Northwest Indiana region. Led by company president John Kasperek, Jr., the firm is dedicated to providing a wide range of accounting and auditing services to local units of government, not-for-profit organizations, corporations and individuals.

“This is another step in our firm's ongoing outreach to give back to the community in which we work and live,” added Kasperek.

For more information, visit
